On Trump’s 500th Day in Office, New Ad Slams Tenney’s Vote for TrumpTax

New Digital Ad Features Endwell Resident Questioning Why Tenney Would Vote For A Tax Scam That Will Raise New Yorkers’ Taxes
In Trump’s First 500 Days In Office, Tenney Voted In Support Of Trump’s Positions 97.4 Percent Of Time, According to FiveThirtyEight
BINGHAMTON — Marking President Donald Trump’s 500th day in office, a new digital ad from Speak Out Central New York questions Congresswoman Claudia Tenney’s loyalty to her constituents, especially after her vote for the disastrous TrumpTax.
Despite claiming to serve Central New Yorkers, Tenney voted for this Republican tax scam, which will raise New Yorkers’ tax burden by $2.4 billion next year – and gives more than 80 percent of its tax breaks to the wealthiest one percent of the country. Meanwhile, corporations are spending 66 times as much buying back stock to reward shareholders and executives versus what they’re spending on worker bonuses and wages. Just 4.2 percent of American workers have gotten a raise or one-time bonus because of the TrumpTax, even as businesses save billions.
For Central New Yorkers like Jeff from Endwell, who is featured in Speak Out CNY’s new ad, Tenney’s votes are just more proof that she doesn’t represent working families:
“I work really hard every day to try and provide the best opportunities for my son. Sometimes it seems like Washington is stacking the deck against me. Like this tax plan that Claudia Tenney voted for – almost all the benefits go to the wealthiest one percent, but a majority of Americans are going to end up paying higher taxes. Why would Claudia Tenney vote for that? Guys like me, we’re working hard every day, and we seem to be losing out.” – Jeff from Endwell, NY
According to FiveThirtyEight, since Trump took office, Tenney has voted in line with his positions 97.4 percent of the time, including when she voted for the TrumpTax, and when she voted last May to take health care away from more than 23 million Americans (and 37,800 of her own constituents). Meanwhile, the impacts of her support for policies like the TrumpTax have left her own constituents struggling, facing a future with even higher taxes and the potential to lose their health insurance.
Why would Claudia Tenney vote for these policies? In the 500 days since Trump took office, she has made it clear she would rather vote in line with Trump than for the policies that serve her own constituents’ best interest.
Watch both versions of the ad here:
About Speak Out Central New York
Speak Out CNY is dedicated to educating and empowering Central New Yorkers through grassroots organizing, digital advocacy, and community partnerships. By advocating for policies that help working families make ends meet, we aim to encourage our members of Congress to protect our health care and work to expand economic opportunity.