CNY Mothers Call On Tenney To Stop Trying To Take Healthcare Away From Working Families

More Than 400 Mother’s Day Cards Delivered To Tenney During Public Event, Highlighting Tenney’s Vote To Take Healthcare Away From 37,800 Of Her Own Constituents
BINGHAMTON – Speak Out Central New York delivered more than 400 Mother’s Day cards signed by Central New Yorkers to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney during her public event in Binghamton, asking Tenney to “stop trying to take healthcare away from our families.”
The cards, signed by local residents both in-person and online, highlighted Tenney’s vote to repeal healthcare for millions of Americans last May:
“Please don’t forget mothers this Mother’s Day. Last year, you voted to take healthcare away from 24 million Americans, including 37,800 in our area. This Mother’s Day, the only gift we fellow moms want is a promise from you to stop trying to take healthcare away from our families.”
Tenney voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act in May 2017, which would have stripped healthcare from nearly 40,000 of her own constituents and jeopardized healthcare for the nearly 300,000 people in her district who suffer from pre-existing conditions. She also voted to pass the TrumpTax in December, which repealed the ACA’s individual mandate – a move that Donald Trump’s own former Health & Human Services Secretary Tom Price recently admitted will drive up healthcare premiums across the country.
Speak Out Central New York delivered the hundreds of cards to Tenney during her public appearance at the Broome County Library, emphasizing her role in the Republicans’ ongoing crusade to undermine American healthcare. Their work to sabotage the Affordable Care Act is already driving millions of people off of health insurance, even though their initial repeal effort failed – and Tenney has openly stated she has “no regret” for voting to kick thousands of her own constituents off of their insurance.
See the Mother’s Day card here:
About Speak Out Central New York
Speak Out CNY is dedicated to educating and empowering Central New Yorkers through grassroots organizing, digital advocacy, and community partnerships. By advocating for policies that help working families make ends meet, we aim to encourage our members of Congress to protect our health care and work to expand economic opportunity.